Debt Management
Shining A Spotlight Student Loan Debt
Buyer beware when it comes to spending more than your means because it could financially disrupt more than you think. Chris shines a spotlight on student loan debt & how it pays to weigh all your options.
Pay Off Debt Quickly
Chris discusses the importance of paying off debt and how to deal with it.
Staying Cool Under Pressure
Chris interviews retiree, Matthew Oblon about how to stay cool under financial pressure. Matthew tells his story and views on money.
All About Credit Scores
This episode is about the importance of having good credit score, factors that can impact your score, and how to fix your score.
Bankruptcy with Shawn Yesner
Chris Interviews Crushing Debt podcast host, Shawn Yesner on bankruptcy.
Topics include:
- Types of bankruptcy
- when you should consider filing for bankruptcy
- The benefits of bankruptcy law in a capitalist economy
Student Debt Crisis Alarm
Chris faces down the student debt crisis in America. He gives great advice for those who want to prepare financially for their child's college
Identity Theft - The EQUIFAX Breach
Chris interviews Sales VP, Brian Thompson of the Thompson Agency on the Equifax Breach.
Topics include:
- Impact of the Equifax breach
- Who should be concerned and what to do
- Identity theft monitoring, education, and resources for protection