Chop Wood Carry Water
Guided by "Akira-sensei," John comes to realize the greatest adversity on his journey will be the challenge of defeating the man in the mirror.
This powerful story of one boy's journey to achieve his life long goal of becoming a samurai warrior, brings the Train to be CLUTCH curriculum to life in a powerful and memorable way. Some things you will learn...
-No matter how it feels, you are always building your own house.
-How and why you must surrender to the outcome in order to be at your best.
-Why you never want to have your identity wrapped up in what you do.
-Why your strength lies in faithfulness to the little things.
-How to develop a heart posture of gratitude.
-How to use the biggest challenges as a training ground for greatness.
-Why the process is more important than the goal. -Why comparison is the thief of all joy.
-How to develop a growth mindset.
-Why talent is more of a curse than a blessing.
"So many valuable stories and lessons!" -Nick Ahmed, Arizona Diamondbacks