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The Rocking Chair Prophet


Listening to that voice is the difference be­tween happiness and misery, wonderful memories and heartrending regrets. The Rock­ing Chair Prophet is a transformational story about reclaiming that voice and the unmiti­gated joy that comes from following it.

After an unspeakable tragedy devastates his life, Daniel, a thirty-three-year-old sub­urban man, disappears into the mountains. Years later, he reemerges filled with uncom­mon wisdom and other extraordinary gifts.

From that day on, people travel from far and wide to meet with Daniel, who sits on his rocking chair, meeting with visitors, and helping them explore their deeply per­sonal questions. These questions lead to a se­ries of epic conversations that traverse life’s quintessential topics: love, suffering, health and well-being, education, work, money and things, spirituality, regrets, depression, ambi­tion, nature, parenting, midlife crisis, choic­es, our hopes and dreams, the meaning of life, and enduring friendship.

The Rocking Chair Prophet is a rich explo­ration of life and the human condition. It’s an invitation to rediscover yourself and reorient your life. Matthew Kelly has masterfully wo­ven into the story a piercing wisdom that is thought-provoking on a life-changing scale. It is stunning that one book can have some­thing so meaningful to say on so many topics. This is destined to be a book readers return to time and again, a book that speaks to us anew in every season of life.

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