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Will You Be Ready To Retire?

If you're trying to retire within 10 years, then you are considered on the homestretch to retirement. Many people get caught off guard as their retirement age approaches and they are unprepared. Below are 5 questions you need to ask yourself to help get you ready for retirement. It's time to get ahead of the financial worries & start planning today!

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5 Questions You Need To Ask Yourself To Get You Ready For Retirement:

1. What about work will you NOT miss? 

It may seem like a very easy & silly question to ask yourself, but answering this will give you a greater appreciation for what retirement really is and how rewarding it can be. There are ups and downs to everyone's career but realizing that you will no longer need to worry about the downs is an excellent way to get motivated to start the retirement planning process as early as possible! The sooner you start planning, the better off you will be to enjoy your retirement.

2. What are you looking forward to the most in retirement? 

Here's another motivational type question to get you looking forward to a good retirement. Don't forget that having a goal is the core of any retirement plan. One of your key goals could or should be the answer to this question!

3. What is your biggest concern about retiring? 

Laying out your retirement fears is a great way to start planning. If you retired right now with no plan, what would be your biggest concern? Answering this will help you shape your goals and set you down the path to conquering your concerns.

4. What is the most important thing you need to do before retiring? 

Prioritize what you need to do before you reach retirement. Try and figure out what needs to be done now so you can rest easy when retirement comes.

5. How will you decide the time is right to retire? 

Know what criteria need to be met in order for you to feel comfortable retiring. Set goals and chase them to completion. 

Submit Your Answers to Us!

If you submit your name, email, & answers to us, we can provide you with more helpful retirement planning information that will help you get prepared for when the time comes to retire!

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