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Disability Planning – Speaking With A Specialist

No one is immune to disability & it can happen to anyone unexpectedly. Chris interviews Claudia Englisby, Attorney for Disability Planning Partners, on the importance of speaking to a specialist to prepare for & prevent estate planning pitfalls or any other legal issues that may stem from disabilities.

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Middle Class Money Strategies

Chris interviews Tyler Green, a podcast host dedicated to helping the middle class save money and control their finances to live their best life. Tyler discusses strategies on how the middle class should think about and manage their money.

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An Interview With Teddy Cummins

How has your life shaped your views on money, saving and debt? Chris Interviews Teddy Cummins about his life. They discuss what Teddy has learned about money over the years. He also talks about his change of perception regarding debt. The way in which a person was raised and the experiences they encounter in their adult life both contribute to their views on money, saving and debt.

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