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Is Search Engine Optimization Important?

In today’s business climate, having an online presence is a must have. Building a website is only half the battle, while the other half is getting people to find you. Chris interview’s Kris Reid, CEO of ArdorSEO, on why Search Engine Optimization is important for any business.

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Elections Have Consequences

Every election has consequences in terms of laws, regulations, & taxes that can affect your wallet. Chris explains a few examples of what may change due to elections & how they can affect your financial situation.

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Saving Money With Solar

Saving money with solar is a topic that is becoming more and more popular. Chris interviews James Kennedy, the CEO of Beach Cities Solar Consulting on the subject of how switching to solar can be a smart financial investment whether for commercial use or residential.

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Talk Money To Your Kids

In today’s education system, learning about personal finance is something that usually goes unsaid. Chris interviews Cody Loughlin, an entrepreneur with over 20 years of financial experience, on the importance of teaching our kids about money.

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Summing Up The US Economy

Christopher Calandra & Lindy Brock had the pleasure of hearing former federal reserve chairmen, Ben Bernanke & Janet Yellen’s thoughts on the current US economy. They discussed our country’s national debt, inflation, & interest rates.

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The Truth About US National Debt

There is a lot of fear surrounding America’s national debt because it is so high, however that isn’t really the full picture. We have a country like no other when it comes to managing our massive debt and this episode explains exactly why that’s the case.

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